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[罗戈导读]此篇文章接上篇CSCP-Module 1: Supply Chain Design。

此篇文章接上篇CSCP-Module 1: Supply Chain Design。


Module 2: Supply Chain Planning & Execution

Section A: Procure and deliver goods and services

Chapter 1: components of DM(Demand Management)

1) DM is the art of synchronizing supply and demand plans

  • Long-term demand--->long term forecasting, product development, capacity development

  • Mid-term demand--->S &OP

  • Short-term demand--->item level master scheduling

2) DM Process: balance demand & firm's output capabilities

  • Planning demand

  • Communicating demand

  • Influencing demand

  • Prioritizing demand

Topic1: Planning demand(18 months)

1) Demand plan inputs:

  • Forecast/product & brand management/marketing/sales/business plan & strategy/assumptions used & level of uncertainty(assumptions should be documented, reviewed, challenged in monthly SOP)

  • 用处:

    • Demand in units/dollars

    • Validation &control of plans of individual departments

Topic2: Communicating demand

1) Structure communication:

  • An output of SOP process: the supply side uses the consensus numbers to perform master scheduling and supply planning

  • Demand manager:

    • An intermediary between supply and demand

    • Communicate organization's supply and demand synchronization efforts

Topic3: Influencing demand

  • PDCA: involve product & brand management, marketing, sales activities

Topic4: DM functional responsibilities /interfaces

  • Product development & brand management: long term

  • Marketing: interface with DM in mid and short term

  • Sales: implement demand plan commitments regarding influencing or prioritizing demand

  • Operations

Topic5: Link DM Components

  • CPFR:

    • Develop effective business process to synchronize SC operations across enterprise boundaries

    • Challenges: increased cost, resistance to infor/data sharing, bridging internal functions

  • DI: Distribution integration

    • Quick-response programs(QRP)

    • Imploy POS, EDI, may direct shipment from a factory to a retailer

    • Can receive significant reductions in lead times

  • Continuous replenishment(CR)--> Goal: lower associated cost, high inventory turnover

    • Rely on sharing of POS data by retailer and supplier

    • Supplier notified daily of actual sales/warehouse shipments and commitment to replenishment

  • VMI

    • Vendor: with access to customer's POS inventory data   

    • Consignment:= vendor-owned inventory(VOI)

    • Goal of VMI: the supplier to control ordering process

    • VMI Measurements: bullwhip effect/inventory cost/stock-out/lead time 降低;on-time delivery/inventory turn升高

    Chapter 2: Forecasting demand

    • Forecast process

    Chapter3: Demand prioritization

    Topic1: demand prioritization policies and processes

    1) Demand prioritization:

    • Setting time fences

    • Allocation of supply

    • Need a clear prioritization policy and implement it using a structured process

    • DM and prioritization policy

    • Measures of customer service levels

    • Represents SC's Roles in fulfilling marketing objectives

    • Measures of basic customer service are fill rates, lead time, order status, monitoring, customer satisfication

    Topic2: Time fences(Decision points)

    Topic3: Allocation of supply

    • Commitment decision point

    Chapter4: Operations planning and control

    Topic1:Strategic business master resource planning

    Demandplan/Long-term fcst--input-->business plan--output-->budgets/projectedfinancial statements

    Topic2: S&OP

    1) S&OP Process

    • Review performance(product review meeting)

    • Provide demand-side professionals with vital infor. On which to base their assumptions

    • Evaluating demand levels(demand planning)

    • Review at product family level

    • Close the gap between demand plan and business plan revenue goals

    • 产生一个Updated medium-term demand plan (use as a basis for supply planning phase & financial reviews)

    • Evaluating supply capability(supply planning)

    • Reconciling demand, supply,  financial plans 

    2) Implementing S&OP

    • Getting buy-in on SOP's  coordinating functions: communication, one plan to unite all major functions, sales, operation finance

    • Emphasizing each party's contributions to SOP

      • Product, brand management, marketing, sales contributions

      • Operations contributions

        • Operations strategies:(eg. Level production strategy, chase production method, hybrid strategy)

        • Supply-demand strategies:MTS(mass market strategy)/MTO/ETO/ATO

    •  Building enthusiasm for SOP among SC managers

    3) S&OP Benefits

    • Link between business planning & tactics

    • Opportunities to be proactive rather than reactive

    • Definitive short-to-medium-term plan

    • Unified, cross-functional plan and processes

    • Bridge between customer value & supply chain efficiency

    • Incentive to engage in continuous improvement

    • S&OP会产生一个production plan based on product family level

      Chapter 5: Master scheduling

      Topic2: Materials & Inventory: (MRP & DRP)

      • Offsetting: process of counting backward from a due date to accommodate lead time

      • Pegging: as active where-used infor

      • Reconciling JIT/Lean with MRP: small bucket or bucket less system/ balanced flow

      • DRP

        • 定义:the function of determining the need to replenish inventory at branch warehouses(即distribution centers)

        • Logic: translate DC demand into forecasts for use in factory master scheduling

        • Push system & pull system & hybrid system

        Chapter6: Capacity management, planning and control

        1) Resource planning: identify the number of labor hours required quarterly to meet operation goals (product family level)

        • Resource profile

        • Staging capacity investments: one-step lead strategy/stepwise lead strategy/stepwise      overlapping strategy

        2) RCCP

        • Review key resources and bottleneck areas(individual items level)

        • Typically check bottlenecks, gateway work centers, critical suppliers

        3) CRP

        4) PAC

        5) Measuring capacity

        • Rated capacity= available time * utilization * efficiency

        • Demonstrated capacity= output for n periods/n

          • Demand pull: the triggering of material movement to a work center only when that work center is ready to begin next job.

          • Kanban: idea is to keep lot sizes as small as possible to optimize use of space and labor

        Chapter7: Inventory

        Topic1: Inventory Basis

        1) Types of inventory

        • Raw material inventory

        • WIP inventory

        • FG inventory

        • MRO(Maintenance/Repair/Operating Suppliers) inventory

        • In-transit(distribution or pipeline) inventory (measured by average annual inventory in-transit, to reduce transit time)

        2) Functions of Inventory

        • Anticipation inventory

        • Safety inventory(fluctuation inventory)

        • Lot-size inventory or cycle stock ( for discounts)

        • Hedge inventory (为了外界风险囤积库存)

        • Buffer inventory (和约束理论TOL有关)

        • Decoupling (allow supply & demand functions to operate at differing ,independent rates)

        3) Inventory management (plan & control inventory)

        • KPI

          • reduction of inventory costs related to holding, ordering, transporting at various points of SC;

          • Achievement of customer service targets related to quality, availability, on-time delivery of products and services

        • Inventory policy

          • 定义: a way of formlizing results of strategic inventory decisions

          • Broad inventory management decisions: eg. Specify centralized or decentralized inventory planning /warehousing; frequency of communications; positioning strategy such as postponement

        • Specific level inventory management decisions

          • Specify rules for order qty. timing

          • Amounts of specific items to purchase vs produce

        • Factors when setting inventory policy

          • Customer demand

          • Planning horizon

          • Replenishment lead time

          • Product variability

          • Inventory costs

          • Customer service requirements

        Topic2: Aggregate & Item inventorymanagement总体库存管理

        1) Concerned with financial impact of inventories

        2) ABC法:

        • Based on monetary value of inventory

        • ERP usually segregate ABC systems for the purpose of counting

        • Using ABC as a policy may require using a different identification data field

        3) Item inventory management

        • Goal: to enable planners to translate strategic inventory goals into measurable results

        • Implemented through inventory planning, control

        Topic3: Inventory costs and accounting

        1) Acquisition cost 购置成本(purchase price)

        2) Landed cost

        • Purchased inventory: sum of all direct costs(price, transportation, customs,      insurance)

        • Internally sourced inventory: factory overhead costs, direct labor, direct materials

        3) Carrying cost(holding cost) (15%-40%)

        • Include all expenses involved in housing the inventory

        • Storage costs

        • Capital costs

        • Risk costs

        4) Ordering cost

        • Effects of inventory on financial statements(balance sheet/income      statement/statement of cash flows)

        Chapter 8: Inventory planning

        Topic1: Inventory planning basics

        1) Two major components

        • Where to locate inventory

        • Desired level of items at each selected locations

        2) 备注:概念break-bulking散货warehouses

        Topic2: Inventory control

        1) Determine two things

        • How much to order

        • When(how often) to order

        2) important considerations

        • Determine order qty. (lot-for-lot/fixed order qty/EOQ)

        • Determine ordering systems(inventory ordering system as inventory models for replenishment of inventory)

          • Ordering point system(fixed amount)

          • Periodic review system(fixed time)

          • Min-max system

          • Time-phased order point system

          • Safety stock, safety lead time

        3) Assessing inventory accuracy (inventory adjustment)--->two approaches to keep accurate inventory

        •  Periodic counting

        • Cycle counting: purpose to identify items in error

        Chapter 9: Supply Management

        Topic1: Total cost of ownership (TCO)

        • Tangible costs: Can be given a value using objective measures

        • Intangible costs: eg.Customer satisfaction, employee morale, quality, risk, etc.

        • Landed cost

        • Process change cost

        • Ongoing cost

        • Net cost

        Topic2: Make-versus-Buy analysis

        1) Choose activities to contract out

        • Core competency?

        • The consequence of losing related skills/knowledge

        • What's the landed cost or total cost of ownership

        2) 概念:

        •   offshoring: outsource a business functions to another company in a different country      than the original company's country

        • Reason for offshoring: needs for specific country/ market growth

        Topic3: range of buyer-supplier relationships

        (proximity---visibility---integrationwith competitors---communication---culture)

        • Buy on the market

        • Ongoing relationship

        • Partnership

        • Collaboration/strategic alliance--> blanket purchase order: long term commitment to suppliers

        • Merger/acquisition

        Topic4: developing supply plans

        (thestrategic design of a supply network based on total cost of ownership)

        Make-versus-buydecisions, desired level of buyer-supplier relationship

         1)Plan validation and replenishment

        • Corporate strategy alignment

          • Supply planning process input: corporate strategy

          • Meeting corporate goals for customer service, production capacity, quality

        • Corporate mission and culture alignment

        • Risk assessment

        • Centralized versus autonomous sourcing

        (balance: centralized control for strategic sourcing with someautonomy for non-strategic sourcing )

         2)Plan finalization

        • One way that supply plans can be refined and implemented is by using supplier relationship management


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        • 时间:2024-08-26 ~ 2024-10-27
        • 主办方:冯银川
        • 协办方:罗戈网


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        • 作者:罗戈研究
